Softball Rules Resources

The 2022-2025 Official Playing Rules were adopted by the World Baseball and Softball Congress (WBSC) at its 2022 Rules congress. They have now been adopted for use in all Softball Australia competitions.

From 2022 Softball Australia will use the WBSC 2022–2025 new rule book for all its competitions, along with published Technical Bulletins and the Australian Championship Rules and Regulations.

For the latest Australian Championship Regulations head over to

The Rule Books are available online:

Electronic Rule Book

Printed Rule Book

  • Printed Rule Book is no longer on offer.

WBSC Case Book updates - December 2024

    • The WBSC Umpire Rules Commission has completed a review of the WBSC Case Book, correcting incorrect rule references to the 2022–2025 Rule Book, addressing inaccuracies, and incorporating the latest interpretations where applicable. Additional reasoning and game management has also been included where necessary.

      The updated WBSC Case Play Manual has now been approved and released. It is available on the WBSC website under Softball Officials & Resources at the following links:

      🔗 WBSC Softball Umpires Resource Page
      📖 Direct Link to the Case Play Manual




While the 2020 Points of Emphasis (POE) and 2021 Case Book relate directly to the previous Rule Book, they remain a valuable Rules-related resource, and remain available online for free.

Points of Emphasis (POE) and Case Book

  • Points of Emphasis (POE): The March 2020 version is available online for viewing and download at a cost of $0.00. This easily readable and searchable 28-page resource is considered part of the Rule Book and is highly recommended.
  • Case Book: The Feb 2021 version is  available online for viewing and download at a cost of $0.00. This easily readable and searchable 137-page resource is a companion to the Rule Book and is highly recommended.

Printed Case Book

Technical Bulletins

Rules Knowledge

Would you like to test your knowledge of the softball playing rules?

Head over to our Rules Assessment page!