
Softball Australia Talent Camps – Concept and Discussion Paper

Published Wed 13 Jul 2022

Ahead of tomorrow night's online Q and A session, Softball Australia has released a Concept and Discussion paper and supporting document from the AIS, that provides the background context and research behind changes to the Under 14 pathway in Australia.

Click here to access the Concept and Discussion Paper.

Click here to access the AIS Discussion Paper, National Championships for Team Sports - Are they fit for purpose?. This document should be read in conjunction with the Concept and Discussion Paper, as it contributes to the research base on which changes to the Under 14 pathway have been made. 

We trust that releasing this information will address some of the public concern about the Under 14 National Championships, and allow for a fuller, more informed discussion to take place when we engage with our stakeholders.

Softball Australia appreciates that there may be many different roads and approaches to developing athletes, however the research and global best practices outlined above will put softball in Australia on a stronger foothold for future generations.
