
Softball Australia Review of Conduct at National Championships

Published Wed 20 Apr 2022

Softball Australia has undertaken a review of personal conduct incidents from the Under 14 and Under 18 National Championships last weekend.

A senior management group examined the incidents within Softball Australia’s disciplinary protocols and the National Integrity Framework, and reached the following outcomes:

  • The coach of an under 14 team has been suspended for eight games for threatening an umpire in both words and actions. This penalty will be served at the national level and has been endorsed by the State of the coach involved.
  • An incident from the Under 14 Grand Final has been referred to Sport Integrity Australia, as it involves an alleged breach of the Softball Australia Code of Conduct.
  • Two players in the Under 14 Grand Final will be cautioned about their actions, with the matter also referred to the State of the players involved for further disciplinary action.
  • An incident at the Under 18 event has also been referred to Sport Integrity Australia, following a formal complaint about an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct.

All incidents that have been reported from the Under 14 and Under 18 National Championships have now been reviewed and dealt with according to the Softball Australia disciplinary framework, and subsequently reported to the relevant State, or to Sport Integrity Australia where appropriate.

Softball Australia has corresponded with the individuals concerned, and will offer support to the Umpires involved in the Under 14 Grand Final.

Softball Australia CEO Rosie Williams OBE said, “Softball Australia will not tolerate any poor behaviour by anyone involved in the game. Our officials and volunteers deserve to be treated with respect and we acknowledge their hard work.

“We remind all participants, both on and off the field, that this is a sport in which it is our responsibility to ensure that all our players, officials, coaches and supporters can participate in a safe, fun and positive environment.”

The Softball Australia Code of Conduct applies to all participants at National Championships, including coaches, players, spectators, and officials, and is available on our website.
