
Softball Australia Launches Home Run Heroes

Published Fri 08 Jul 2022

Softball Australia is excited to launch a brand-new participation product focused on providing fun experiences for kids to learn softball skills in schools and clubs across Australia.

Home Run Heroes provides children aged 4 to 10 with a positive and fun experience in a safe and inclusive environment.

Delivered at Associations, Clubs, primary schools, and community venues, Home Run Heroes includes two programs – Sidekicks & Superheroes – that initially focus on teaching 4-to-7-year olds fundamental skills, before introducing skill development and game play as part of the Superheroes program for children aged 7-to-10.


Start your Home Run Hero journey here.


Softball Australia National Participation Manager Nick Frayne said, “In early 2021, Australian softball came together to develop a strategy for arresting the decline of junior membership that has been a constant for more than 20 years, resulting in a new National Participation Plan being adopted.”


“Based on the key information we received, including feedback from current and past participants, market trends and sector research, it was clear that the sport was not aligned in the delivery of softball programs at the entry level,” said Frayne.

“Home Run Heroes provides a simple and effective pathway for all Australians to try softball for the first time, learn fundamental skills and ultimately build a lifelong love of the sport.”


Start your Home Run Hero journey here.


“Home Run Heroes is centrally managed with support from State-based participation staff to help plan, market, and deliver each and every program, taking most of the administration work away from our volunteers so they can get on with what they do best – delivering fun softball experiences,” said Frayne.

Home Run Heroes can be delivered year-round by Clubs and Associations in any softball-friendly venue, and participant registration is expected to be between $70 and $100, which includes a participant pack delivered directly to the home of the participant.

For more information or to get your club or association involved in Home Run Heroes, please contact the Participation Staff in your relevant state or email

