
Performance Training Centres to nurture Australia’s best talent

Published Mon 30 May 2022

In conjunction with Softball States and Territories, Softball Australia is excited to announce the launch of six national Performance Training Centres (PTCs), that will focus on identifying and developing emerging Australian softballers throughout the country.

Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, the ACT, Queensland, and New South Wales will each host a Performance Training Centre, with centres catering to selected PTC athletes.

Softball Australia has worked with States and Territories to identify the prospective athletes for each state’s PTC. Where prospective athletes may be unavailable due to international commitments or personal circumstances, States and Territories will identify replacement players in consultation with Softball Australia.

Each athlete will receive dedicated face-to-face training sessions each week, encompassing areas such as athlete fitness, and skill and performance training. Athletes are expected to attend every session where possible, and to be fully motivated and accountable during training sessions.

The roll-out of PTCs will be staggered nationally in accordance with each state’s readiness, and once launched, PTC programs run for 19-21 weeks.

States and Territories will control the roll-out and location of programs within their own state, and each PTC will be individualised according to the facilities available and the needs of the state, the players, and the coaches.

All Performance Training Centres will be launched over the coming weeks and run through the winter months, preparing athletes for the upcoming summer season.

National Pathway Coordinator Brooke Wilkins said, “During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been limited in the number of representative opportunities we could offer emerging athletes, and the PTCs allow us to address this shortfall by combining the resources of Softball Australia with the resources of each state and territory.

“The centres will offer a better training environment for learning and skill development, and give us a touch point with more players and coaches. Ultimately, this will allow us to go deeper into the numbers in each state and greatly add to our player and coaching depth across the country.”

Performance Training Centres will initially be for female athletes only, with an aspiration ultimately to include male athletes.
