
Lockdown Coaching Course Offer

Published Wed 15 Sep 2021

Softball Australia are pleased to offer members in New South Wales the opportunity to complete the Fundamental Skills and Softball Batter Up Induction courses free of charge during lockdown.

As the state continues to experience a trying lockdown, Softball Australia would like to offer some respite from the tough period by providing the opportunity for members to upskill in the coaching space with the two courses.

The Fundamental Skills course is ideal for someone who wants to learn more about specific softball skills. The course helps to develop a greater understanding of core skills that coaches need to understand in order to teach players the basics at Club or school level.

Complete the Fundamental Skills course free of charge by clicking here.

The Softball Batter Up Induction course is designed to provide the foundations and basics of conduction a Softball Batter Up clinic for new children to the sport within the kindergarten to year six age group.

Complete the Softball Batter Up Induction course free of charge by clicking here.

Both courses will remain free of charge until COB Thursday 30 September 2021.

By offering the courses free of charge, we hope to provide both an opportunity to fill some time in lockdown and set up members to gain experience in coaching softball, particularly to new players to the sport and junior members.

For more information, please email
