Town Hall #6 - sponsorship & Grants for Softball Clubs - CRM Rewards Platform


Mon 25 Oct 2021 20:00 — 20:45
Online Meeting

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Join us for the next session in the Town Hall Series open to Softball Australia members.

  • Town Hall Session #6, Sponsorships and Grants for Clubs, Monday 25 October, 8:00pm – 8:45pm AEST
    • CEO David Pryles will share insights on how to approach and secure potential sponsors at a grassroots level and how to make grant applications stand out from the pack

Attendees must register for the sessions with registrations open now.

Upon registration you will be sent a Teams link to access the session at start time.

You can also submit any questions you would like answered on the night through the registration process of each event.