
Please use the Contact Us page (click here to go to the Contact Us page) to get in contact with the appropriate department.

Office of the CEO

Chief Executive Officer - Sarah Loh

Human Resources Manager (Contract) - Rob Whitechurch
Integrity Manager (PT) - Elke Bellgrove
Marketing and Executive Manager - Taylah Perry
Digital Content and Engagement Officer - Henry Barker

Corporate Services

General Manager - Corporate Services - Steve Dix (Interim)

Senior Accountant (PT) - Jen Pallas
Finance Officer (PT) - Emily Fry
Grants Officer (PT) - Karthik Rajan
Membership & Accreditation Coordinator - Kate Penney

Game Development

General Manager - Game Development - Clare Walker

National Pathways Manager - Clare Humberstone
High Performance and Pathway Head Coach - Women's Spirit - Laing Harrow
High Performance Wellbeing and Engagement Manager - Peta Searle
Team Logistic Coordinator (PT) - Dane Norton
Events Coordinator (PT) (Vacant)
Under-19 Program Head Coach (Contract) - Leigh Godfrey
National Under-14 Camp Coordinator (Contract) - Jenny Cassidy
High Performance Men's Steelers Coach (Contract) - Scott Sunley

State Operations and Participation

Australian Capital Territory
Territory Operations Manager (PT) - Shaun Carroll
Competitions & Events Manager - Charlotte Jeffery
Participation Coordinator (PT) - Karthik Rajan

Northern Territory
Senior Participation Coordinator (Vacant)

South Australia
State Operations Manager - James Harris
Senior Participation Coordinator - Catherine Westren

State Operations Manager - Jo Schutt
Senior Participation Coordinator - Tim Hatzi
Participation Coordinator (PT) - Dani Rigg